Figure I just post about my week so far – a pretty ‘normal’ work week, a lot of driving all over L.A., but paved roads to quite a few opportunities which I hope to come to fruition in the coming months. Last night I had to work til 2:00am only to wake up at 6:00am (VERY reluctantly) for an early morning appointment in Culver City/Santa Monica…
Enough about work. Went for my first run on Wednesday night after work, and was quite happy to find my legs/heart still in good shape after my race a few weeks ago; I’ve been completely lazy (I call it my muscle atrophy mode) and haven’t been doing anything active, besides watching non-stop documentaries about Mt. Everest. Yeah I know – Julia already told me, “just don’t tell me you’re going to climb Everest”. Heck no – I am too afraid of heights and cherish my body parts too much to want to summit ANY Mountain that doesn’t put my life in danger.
But I would someday like to do this. Or this. 🙂
(Picture above is of Everest, taken years ago when I visited Kathmandu and Nepal)
Happy Weekend Everyone!