In March of 2009 I took a short trip to Germany to visit Julia. During this short vacation I attended a cheerleading championship in Leverkusen, Ate Marzipan in Luebeck, Saw the port in Hamburg, Visited my dad and grandfather in Hainburg, and shopped in Dusseldorf. These are some pictures from this trip.
Thomas and Doris getting ready for the CCVD cheerleading championship which Julia’s CLL (Cheer Label Langenfeld) team is participating in. Julia was already at the Leverkusen arena when we arrived, as 1) the participants are there early to get dressed and “made up”, and 2) she was also the coach of one of the junior teams who was competing in the morning

The junior team that Julia helps coach (CLL Lonestars) is on next, followed by the CLL Spurs (All Girl Cheer Team)

Then we drove up to spend the weekend in Luebeck and Hamburg in Northern Germany:

That evening Jurgen and Gisela took us to a really old restaurant called Schiffergesellschaft ( Guild of the Blue Water Captains) for dinner. The building was constructed more than 600 years ago, where captains and sailors meet, eat, drink and discuss business. The entire interior of the restaurant was built with remnant from old ships! What is really cool is that the tables and benches we sat on were the same ones that these sailors from 600 years ago also sat on!

Visiting the beach (in freezing cold German-March weather):