I got to spend a few weeks in Southeast Asia in October and November working with our local dealers. During this trip I attended an exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand, where I found my college roommate, Aod Virawat Techarattanawong!
Bangkok, ThailandOur hotel lobbyThommy, our regional manager, negotiating a good rate with the Tuk Tuk driver to take us to an outlet mallDrivers usually only want to take you to malls of their choices, as they get a kickback from the storesWe got onto this Tuk Tuk, who said he would take us to where we want to go..Only to BS us and tell us he doesn’t know how to go, and would like to take us to a DIFFERENT mall instead – so we jumped off and told him to go away!Finally arrived at where Thommy wants to shop 🙂Finally arrived at where Thommy wants to shop 🙂Lunch Time!You seriously taking picture of food?Little does Thommy know, I am starting a food porn album someday 😉Dinner that night – met up with my college roommate Aod!Met up with some of Aod’s friends