First Trip Home In 18 Years. Taipei, Taiwan

After I got my Green Card the first thing I did was get my paperwork ready (from a Taiwanese Resident to a Taiwanese Foreign National) to head back to Taiwan and visit my family. Finally in January of 2004, after 18 years away, I was home…

Kevin picked me up from the airport the night before to stay at his place in Taipei… Kevin has a few dogs – this is one of them – SHIAO BAI, which means “Whitie”… Kevin got her from the shelter, who saved her from her abusive ex-owner, crazy people who thought it was fun to tie a rubber band around a dog’s mouth for months to stop her from barking… Next to Whitie is SHIAO-HEI, which is loosely translated to be “Blackie”… he’s the youngest of them all, a hyperactive one… can’t even sit still long enough to be in the picture…

After visting my mother’s place of burial, my brothers Philip and Kevin took me to nearby Keelung Temple Street Market for a late afternoon lunch. The weather is wet and humid, which caught me by surprise (coming from Minneapolis in the middle of winter, I totally underestimated how WET AND COLD it is up in the mountains in Taiwan… ACHOO!

My good friend Tom and his family moved back to Taiwan from Hong Kong a few years back. I ended up spending some time hanging out with their daughter Megan (my god daughter) and playing with her toy collection