Our Christmas Party at Bridget’s house. Saturday Night 7:00pm.
The annual party contiunues as the year 2000 comes to an end.
Party attendees include Bridget, Iwona, Bill Northrup, Kasia and Alfreido, Dougie, Dan, Mark Gardner and his friend, Brett and Savannah.

The night before the party… Savannah dancing with her stuffed animal “Sleepy”, which I got for her in Japan on my last trip with my mother…
I left for the airport to pick up my good friend Bill (Wilson to some people)…

Savannah is shutting the computer down so we can move the desk out of the way…

Calm down Bill. Maybe everything is just fine and you need to enjoy the blistering cold in Minnesota, hehe.

There’s always a new fad, and here is one I predict will fail real soon. Get someone to lie down… put waterproof bags over him/her… and blast water on their back.
I wonder if some prison inmate invented this after being water blated by guards…

Bill: “Lewis – the lights don’t seem to work… they’re too DIM to be normal!”

over it… let me plug it in…”

Just kidding – Bill was not hurt during the preparation of the party.

POST-PARTY… Bill and I met when we both attended Rochester Institute of Technology, living in the same dormitory floor.
Being new in this country in 1990, I was amazed by the availabilty of 24-hour non-stop television… but mostly by the as-seen-on-tv commercials after midnight…
And Bill was amazed by the availability of MSG-filled Chinese ramen noodles that I have stocked up in my room.

At this moment I want to thank everyone at the party for cheering me up at a sad time in my life. My mother had passed away two days before this party. Maybe I needed this to temporarily forget my sadness, and concentrate on living again…
Thank you Bill for coming to Minneapolis and hanging out with me.
Let me know when you have another few days off and I will treat you to the best CHINESE HOT POT you’ve ever had!