Almost the weekend… could be my last relaxing one before the BIG show next week… training has officially begun and now I am working extra hard to compensate for my lack of talent in working in production.
Still not feeling too well. Watching television and even while in Germany you can not escape the news reports on Elian Gonzales. Give me the citizenship if he doesn’t want it. I will even settle for just a green card…
Finally got to take a picture of the town sign of Klein-Breitenbach, where I have been staying in for the past week, in the city of Morlenbach :
Something funny… I was in the company kitchen, and saw this newspaper clip on the kitchen bulletin board… with a picture of someone who looks like Dieter… not understanding German, the only words I got out of it was it was someone who was either playing football (German for soccer) or involved in a team in the city of Offenbach… and there was a name “Klein” in it.
Thought it was a coincidence, where someone who looked like Dieter (who I know NEVER played soccer) involving in a soccer team…
The next day I saw Dieter and asked him… turns out it is Waldemar Klein, Dieter’s father.
The newspaper was congratulating his 80th birthday… Dieter’s father is quite famous in the area, I found out – he owns a soccer team… wow.
I never knew anyone who owned a sports franchise. Pretty cool… besides, he drives a really nice Mercedes, hehe.
Finally, a picture of CGS (the brick building).
Me helping Lena with her English homework.