After my 1/2 in October, I decided that perhaps I was ready for a full. With my 1:49 finish time of 13.1 miles I planned a finish time for a full 26.2 of around 4 hours.
My training went well until I had to do the LONG runs (20 miles and above) where I usually ‘hit the wall’ somewhere past 18 miles…
Julia saw how miserable I was training for this distance (and even had to pick me up from an abandoned training run), and made me promise that this would be my first and last run…

Race day went amazingly great (exactly on target pace) from miles 0-20, but went to a complete crashing halt from miles 20-24, where all I could do was walk-jog-limp my way through…

Learned my lesson. I’m proud to have finished a full marathon, but I think I’ll stick with improving my times with HMs from now on!