℗ 2002 Sony Music Entertainment
With the year coming to a close, my apologies for not keeping this web site up to date as I would have liked to… Spending Christmas and New Year’s in Solingen with Julia and her family. Today the parents are meeting for the first time, so it is quite an exciting day 🙂 In the next few months I am going to get all the photogalleries updated (I know I had promised this before, but THIS TIME because of various more serious, pressing reasons, it WILL GET DONE)… so check back often for new galleries. Next year I would also like to figure out a good way to synchronize my Facebook account with this web site. To fit that with wedding, immigration, and various projects… realistically FB-integration will be put on the back-burner for now. The above HDR timelapse is a video I did in Frankfurt while waiting for my transfer to Dusseldorf. It’s one of my better works this year, so I hope you enjoy it! Happy Holidays!