… and right back to work! I am in the process of organizing all the pictures I took while in Germany, visiting Solingen (home of Wüsthof, Henckels, and Julia), Leverkusen (home of Bayer AG), Lübeck (home of the best Marzipan cake I have ever tasted), Seligenstadt/Hainburg (home of my grandfather, and Dusseldorf (where Julia and I met)…
(google map showing how much I traveled during this short visit)
The picture above was taken on Julia’s birthday party last week (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), and here are two new panorama pictures from Lübeck (my best ones so far):
Luebeck Panorama #1 (from the top of St. Petri’s Church)
Luebeck Panorama #2 (along the canals surrounding Luebeck)
ok, it’s time to go to bed now… despite my slight jet lag 😛