Until this point the images have been taken with my Nikon CoolPix 800. With its 2 megapixel CCD, the images did not come up too well, especially with the low-light situation at the party room…
Tatsuya Kawaguchi of Kimoto had recently bought the BRAND-NEW 4 megapixel Fuji camera, the FinePix 4900Z:
The following pictures are all taken with this camera, far superior than the Nikon… only complaint I had? It uses way TOO MUCH juice- during the whole night while I was using the same batteries on my CoolPix 800, Tatsuya had to charge / recharge his batteries over 3 times… oh yeah and it uses SMART MEDIA…

What is interesting is the PRESENTATION. And look here – this is how you “access” your phone book! Trevor showed Dieter a new PDA, and started to demonstrate how to use the electronic features on this gadget (NOTE: Dieter does not like electronic gadgets)…