The Dearhamer Christmas Party wasn’t until Christmas Day, 12/25, so we planned a surprise birthday party at Grandma Anita’s.
Bridget and Savannah wasn’t going to arrive until about 8:30pm, so we had plenty of time to put up some ribbons and hide before she arrived.
It was also the dearhamer tradition to gather and have the annual Dearhamer Christmas Eve Oyster Stew.
Attendees include Grandpa Doug and Grandma Anita, Dougie, Bridget, Andy, Tracy, Josh, Vickie, Rickey, Chris and Tina.
The children were there for the festivities as well – Savannah, Jerry, Brittney, Dezi, Faith and Marissa.

Grandma cooked on while Doug watched.

Savannah is the real schlau girl.

What the sun looked like through welding glasses. Pushing the limit of the CCD on my CoolPix digital camera.

“As soon as you gather everyone…”